

Resolution No. 24-01 Resolution Approving Reduction of Letter of Credit
Res No 24-02 Appointing Election Judges
Res No 24-03 Accepting Donation
Res No 24-04 A Resolution Related to a Sketch Planned Unit Development Amendment for Village Market
Res No 24-05 Approving an Interim Use Permit for 102 Lake Street W
Res No 24-06 Terminate Orderly Annexation Agreement and Petition Carver County Board of Commissioners to Establish Maintenance Responsibilities
Res No 24-07 Accepting Resignation and Declaring a Vacancy on the City Council
Res No 24-08 Vacating Drainage and Utility Easement
Res No 24-09 Accepting Donations
Res No 24-10 Resolution for a Loan Application for the Mn PFA
Res No 24-11 Applying for a Community Growth Partnership Grant
Res No 24-12 Approving a CUP for 209 Playhouse
Res No 24-13 Designating Polling Place
Res No 24-14 Calling for a Public Hearing on the Issuance of Charter School Bonds
Res No 24-15 Authorizing Bakertilly to Preform Tax Increment Financing and Financial Feasibility Analysis
Res No 24-16 Outdoor Recreation Grant
Res No 24-17 Approving 2024 Seasonal Public Works Employee Rehire
Res No 24-18 Authorizing the Issuance of Charter School Lease Revenue Bonds
Res No 24-19 Authorizing The City to Submit Information to MPFA and to Enter Into a Grant Agreement
Res No 24-20 Approving Summary Publication of Ordinance No 175
Res No 24-21 Approving Joint Powers Agreement for Data Access
Res No 24-22 Accepting Donations
Res No 24-23 Public Hearing on Issuance of Charter School Lease Revenue Bonds and Authorizing the Publication of a Notice of Hearing
Res No 24-24 Public Hearing on Issuance of Educational Facilities Revenue Notes and Authorizing the Publication of a Notice of Hearing
Res No 24-25 Ordering Inspection


Res No 23-01 Approving SHIP Grant
Res No 23-02 Approving State of Mn Joint Powers Agreement
Res No 23-03 Receiving the Feasibility Study and Calling for the Hearing for the Benton Creek Area Improveme
nt Project
Res No 23-04 Approving Publication of Ordinance 161-0 By Title and Summary
Res No 23-05 Accepting Donation from CFD Relief
Res No 23-06 Approving Advertisement for 2023 Seasonal Public Works Help
Res No 23-07 Ordering Improvements
Res No 23-08 Authorizing Advertisement for Utility Billing Clerk
Res No 23-09 Approving 2023 Seasonal Public Works Employee Rehire
Res No 23-10 Approving 2023 Seasonal Worker
Res No 23-11 Approving Plans & Ordering Advertisement for Bids Benton Creek Area Improvements
Res No 23-12 Approving Utility Billing Clerk
Res No 23-13 Authorizing a 2024 Capital Budget Request to the State of Minnesota
Res No 23-14 Waiving Hearing Prior to Municipal Consent for US HWY 212 Expansion
Res No 23-15 Authorizing Point Source Implementation Grant
Res No 23-16 Amending PUD Known as Winkler Crossing
Res 23-17 Approving Final Plat for Winkler 5th
Res No 23-18 Accepting Donations
Res No 23-19 Approving Issuance of GO Improvement Bonds Series 2023A
Res No 23-20 Support and Adopt the Cologne Area Transportation Plan
Res No 23-21 Providing for Issuance and Sale of $2,610,000 GO Improvement Bonds_Part1

Res No 23-21 Providing for Issuance and Sale of $2,610,000 GO Improvement Bonds_Part2
Res No 23-22 Opting to Join the Statewide Volunteer FireFighter Plan
Res No 23-23 Approving the 2024 Preliminary Tax Levy and General Fund Budget
Res No 23-24 Accepting Donation from CFD Relief Assn
Res No 23-25 Approving the Pursuit of 2023 Local Road Improvement Program Funding
Res No 23-26 Declaring Cost to be Assessed and Ordering Preparation of Proposed Assessment
Res No 23-27 Receiving Proposed Assessment and Calling for a Public Hearing
Res No 23-28 Hiring Open Gym Supervisor
Res No 23-29 Resolution Adopting Proposed Assessment
Res No 23-30 Allowing Wire or Automated Payments
Res No 23-31 Approving Open Gym Supervisor
Res No 23-32 Establishing School Zone Speed Limit on Village Parkway
Res No 23-33 Resolution Accepting Donations
Res No 23-34 Adopting 2024 Budget for General, Enterprise and Capital Investment Activities
Res No 23-35 Adopting Final Tax Levy Collectable in 2024
Res No 23-36 Approving Publication of Ordinance No 161-Q
Res No 23-37 Resolution Approving Michelle Morrison as City Administrator – Clerk
Res No 23-38 Accepting Donation from CFD Relief Association


Planning Commission Res No 23-01 Denying Variance for 209 Playhouse St E
Res No 23-02 Amending a Site Plan for Freedom Storage

Res No 22-01 Accepting Donation from CFD Relief Association
Res No 22-02 Accepting Donation from CFD Relief Association
Res No 22-03 Accepting Donation
Res No 22-04 Applying for Community Growth Partnership Grant
Res No 22-05 Designating Polling Place
Res No 22-06 Accepting Donation
Res No 22-07 Approving Final Plat
Res No 22-08 Advertising for Seasonal Public Works Help
Res No 22-09 Accepting Donation
Res No 22-10 Approving 2022 Seasonal Public Works Employee Rehire
Res No 22-11 Accepting Donation
Res No 22-12 Accepting Donation
Res No 22-13 Amending PUD STARS ELC
Res No 22-14 Accepting Donation
Res No 22-15 Appointing Election Judges
Res No 22-16 Accepting Donation
Res No 22-17 Approving Temporary Gambling Permit
Res No 22-19 Accepting Donation
Res No 22-20 – Accepting Donation
Res No 22-21 Approving Limited Use Permit ROW Highway 212
Res No 22-22 Accepting Donation
Res No 22-23 Approving 2023 Preliminary Tax Levy
Res No 22-24 Accepting Donation
Res No 22-25 Approving 2022 Open Gym Supervisor
Planning Commission Resolution 22-04 Denying Variance for 310 Park St E.
Res No 22-26 Accepting Donation
Res No 22-27 Accepting Donation
Res No 22-28 Approving Canvass of Election Returns
Res No 22-29 Ordering Preparation of Report on Improvements
Res No 22-30 Certifying Liens of Delinquent Utilities
Res No 22-31 Denying Appeal 310 Park St E
Res No 22-32 Accepting Donation from CFD Relief Association
Res No 22-33 Adopting 2023 Budget
Res No 22-34 Adopting Final Tax Levy Collectable in 2023
Res No 22-35 Approving Publication of Ordinance No 161-P

2021 Resolutions

Res No 21-01 Vacating an Alley
Res No 21-02 Declaring Public Interest for WWTP Ditch Cleanout
Res No 21-03 Applying for Community Growth Partnership Initiative Grant
Res No 21-04 Accepting Donation from CFD Relief Association
Res No 21-05 Rehiring Seasonal Workforce
Res No 21-06 Accepting Donation 
Res No 21-07 Accepting Donations
Res No 21-08 Accepting Donation
Res No 21-09 Point Source Implementation Grant
Res No 21-10 Issuance of $780,000 Go Bond 2021A
Res No 21-11 Approving Property Tax Abatements
Res No 21-12 Petitioning MnDot to install a safety light
Res No 21-13 Calling for a Public Hearing on the Issuance of Educational Revenue Notes
Res No 21-14 Accepting Donations
Res No 21-15 Declaring Cost to be Assessed
Res No 21-16 Receiving Assessment Roll
Res No 21-17 Issuing Facilities Revenue Notes
Res No 21-18 Approving 2022 Preliminary Levy
Res No 21-19 Adopting Proposed Assessment
Res No 21-20 Joint Agreement for Purchase of Self Contained Breathing Aparatus
Res No 21-21 Amending Interim Use permit for 218 Lake St W
Resolution 21-22 Hiring Open Gym Supervisor
Res No 21-23 Accepting Donation
Res No 21-24 Accepting Donation
Res No 21-25 Approving Minor Subdivision
Res No 21-26 Designating Polling Place
Res No 21-27 Adopting 2022 Budget
Res No 21-28 Adopting Final Tax Levy Collectable 2022


Res No 20-01 Accepting Resignation and Declaring Planning Commission Vacancy
Res No 20-02 Accepting Donations
Res No 20-03 Appointing Election Judges
Res No 20-04 Approving Plans and Ordering Advertisement for Bids
Res No 20-05 Approving Advertisement for Summer Help
Res No 20-06 Declaring a Local Emergency.
Res No 20-07 Adopting Street Reconstruction Project and Approving Issuance of GO Bonds
Res No 20-08 Approving 2020 Seasonal Public Works Hiring
Res No 20-09 Approving Authorization and Issuance of GO Bonds
Res No 20-10 Approving Preliminary Plat for Winkler Crossing Additions
Res No 20-11 Amending a PUD for Winkler Crossing Additions
Res No 20-12 Issuing 2020A GO Bonds_Part1
Res No 20-12 Issuing 2020A GO Bonds_Part2
Res No 20-12 Issuing 2020A GO Bonds_Part3
Res No 20-13 Adopting 2040 Comprehensive Plan
Res No 20.14 Accepting donation
Res No 20-15 Vacating Alley
Res No 20-16 Accepting Donation
Res No 20-17 Accepting Donation
Res No 20-18 Approving Grading Agreement for Winkler Crossing 3rd Addition
Res No 20-19 Approving Interim Use Permit for 218 Lake St W
Res No 20-20 Appointing Election Judges
Res No 20-21 Vacating Easements at Winkler Crossing 3rd Addition
Res No 20-22 Approving 2021 Preliminary Tax Levy and General Fund Budget
Res No 20-23 Approving Final Plat for Winkler Crossing 3rd Addition
Res No 20-24 Approving a Development Agreement For Winkler Crossing 3rd Addition
Res No 20-25 Canvass Election Returns
Res No 20-26 Accepting Donations
Res No 20-27 Accepting Donation
Res No 20-28 Adopting 2021 Budget
Res No 20-29 Adopting Final Tax Levy Collectable 2021


Res No 19-01 Approving a Preliminary and Final Plat of 16 Residential Lots at Village at Cologne 17th Addn
Res No 19-02 Accepting Donation
Res No 19-03 Accepting Donation 
Res No 19-04 Accepting Donation
Res No 19-05 Rehire Seasonal Employees
Res No 19-06 Approving Address Change
Res No 19-07 Approving Sale of Excess Property
Res No 19-08 Accepting Donations
Res No 19-09 Accepting Donation
Res No 19-10 Accepting Donation
Res No 19-11 Authorizing Submittal of Point Source Implementation Grant
Res No 19-12 Approving Feasibility Study
Res No 19-13 Accepting Donation
Res No 19-14 Ordering Improvements & Preparing Plans for Street/Utility Project
Res No 19-15 Adopting Carver Co All-Hazard Mitigation Plan
Res No 19-16 Approving 2020 Preliminary Tax Levy
Res No 19-17 Accepting Donation
Res No 19-18 Approving 2019 Open Gym Supervisor
Res No 19-19 Accepting Donation
Res No 19-20 Adopting and Certifying Liens of Delinquent Utilities and Municipal Fees
Res No 19-21 Approving Appeal of Variance Decision
Res No 19-22 Adopting 2020 Budget
Res 19-23 Adopting Final Tax Levy Collectible in 2020
Res No 19-24 Approving Publication of Ordinance No 161-O


Res No 18-01 Resolution Accepting Donations
Res No 18-02 Accepting Donations
Res No 18-03 Approving Advertisement for 2018 Seasonal Public Works Help
Res No 18-04 Calling for Public Hearing on Proposed Development Plan and TIF
Res No 18-05 Accepting Resignation and Declaring a Vacancy
Res No 18-06 Approving 2018 Seasonal Public Works Employees
Res No 18-07 Establishing Development District 2 and TIF District 2-1
Res No 18-08 Approving the Draft Cologne 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update
Res No 18-09 Amending TIF District 2-1
Res No 18-10 Accepting Donations
Res No 18-11 Appointing Election Judges for 2018 Primary and General Elections
Res No 18-12 Accepting Donations
Res No 18-13 Determining the Necessity to Issue Equipment Certificates
Res No 18-14 Approving Full Time City Clerk
Res No 18-15 Authorizing Security Bank Signatures
Res No 18-16 Authorizing Klein Bank Signatures
Res No 18-17 Authorizing Citizens State Bank Signatures
Res No 18-19 Ordering Preparation of Feasibility Study – Street & Utility Construction
Res No 18-20 2019 Approving the 2019 Preliminary Tax Levy and General Fund Budget
Res No 18-21 Authorization to Join Minnesota Water Agency Response Network
Res No 18-22 Resolution Approving Advertisement for Open Gym Supervisor
Res No. 18-23 Approving 2018 Open Gym Supervisor
Res No 18-24 Canvass of Election Returns
Res No 18-25 Vacating Easements Village of Cologne 2nd Addition
Res No 18-26 Approving the Stipulated Order in a Declaratory Action Re: East Playhouse
Res No 18-27 Adopting 2019 Budget
Res No 18-28 Adopting Final Tax levy Collectible in 2019
Res No 18-29 Approving Publication of Ordinance No 161-N Fee Schedule


Res No 17-01 Resolution Authorizing Account Signatures for Security Bank and Trust Corporate Authorizations
Res No 17-02 Resolution Authorizing Account Signatures for the Klein Bank Corporate Authorizations
Res No 17-03 Resolution Authorizing Account Signatures for the Citizens State Bank Corporate Authorizations
Res No 17-04 Resolution Authorizing Account Signatures for the 4M Fund
Res No 17-05 Resolution Approving Public Works Capital Expenditures
Res No 17-06 Resolution Accepting Donations
Res No 17-07 Resolution Approving Advertisement for 2017 Seasonal Public Works Help
Res No 17-08 Resolution Approving 2017 Seasonal Workforce
Res No 17-09 Resolution Accepting Donations
Res No 17-10 Resolution for Property Address Change 400133300-118 Henry Ave S
Res No 17-11 Resolution Approving Final Plat Village North Phase 2
Res No 17-12 Supporting Carver County’s MHFP Freight Funding Application
Res No 17-13 Resolution Approving Advertisement for Open Gym Supervisor
Res No 17-14 Accepting Donations
Res No 17-15 Approving Preliminary Tax Levy and General Fund Budget
Res. No. 17-16 Approving Open Gym Supervisor
Res. No 17-17 Resolution Accepting Donations
Res. No. 17-18 Resolution Support of Funding for US Highway 212 Corridor
Res No 17-19 Resolution Designating Polling Place
Res No 17-20 Resolution Approving MN Joint Powers Agreement on behalf of its city Attorney and Police Department
Res. No 17-21 Resolution Utility Assessements
Res No 17-22 Resolution Accepting Donations
Res. No. 17-23 Adopting Final 2017 Tax Levy Collectible in 2018
Res. No. 17-24 Adopting 2018 General Fund Budget
Res. No. 17-25 Adopting 2018 Enterprise Fund Budgets
Res. No. 17-26 Approving Publication of Ordinance No. 161-M By Title and Summary


Res No 16-01 Resolution Accepting Donations
Res No 16-02 Authorizing for Advertisement for Full-Time Public Works Position
Res No 16-03 Resolution Approving 2016 Hourly Employee Wage Market Rate Adjustment
Res No 16-04 Resolution Authorizing Membership in the 4M Fund
Res No 16-05 Resolution Accepting the Resignation of Administrative Assistant
Res No 16-06 Resolution Supporting Principles of Reform of the Metropolitan Council
Res No 16-07 Resolution Approving Park Board Reimbursement for 2015
Res No 16-08 Resolution of Public Facilities Authority Drinking Water Revolving Fund Loan Application
Res No 16-09 Resolution Approving Seasonal Work Force
Res No 16-10 Resolution Approving Full Time Public Works Employee
Res No 16-11 Resolution Approving Public Works Capital Expenditures
Res No 16-13 Resolution Approving Use of City Parcel
Res No 16-14 Resolution Approving Increase to Boots and Cell Phone Allowance for Public Works
Res No 16-15 Resolution Accepting Donations
Res No 16-16 Resolution Approving the Wastewater Treatment Facility Plan
Res No 16-17 Resolution Approving Comprehensive Plan Amendment 2016-1
Res No 16-18 Resolution Identifying the Need for Funding to Complete 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update and Authorizing an Application for Planning Assistance Grant Funds
Res No 16-19 Resolution Appointing Election Judges for 2016 Primary and General Elections
Res No 16-20 Authorizing Grant Implementation to MN PFA WWTP
Res No 16-21 Resolution Approving Utility Billing Late Fee Forgiveness Policy
Res No 16-22 Resolution Approving a Preliminary Plat for a Development Known as Village at Cologne North
Res No 16-23 Resolution to Review Water Rates
Res No 16-24 Resolution to Increase Future Water Rates
Res No 16-25 Resolution to Approve Sale and Split of City Property
Res No 16-26 Resolution Approving a Final Plat for a Development Known as the Village at Cologne North
Res No 16-27 Resolution Approving the 2017 Preliminary Tax Levy and General Fund Budget
Res No 16-28 Resolution Accepting the MNPFA Water Revenue Note
Res No 16-29 Resolution Approving Canvass of Returns and Declaring the Results of the Municipal Election of 11-08-16
Res No 16-30 Resolution Adopting 2016 Utility Assessments
Res No 16-31 Resolution Supporting a Fastlane Grant App for HWY 212
Res No 16-32 Resolution Adopting Final 2016 Tax Levy Collectible in 2017
Res No 16-33 Resolution Adopting 2017 General Fund Budget
Res No 16-34 Resolution Adopting 2017 Enterprise Fund Budgets
Res No 16-35 Resolution Approving Publication of Ordinance 161-L by Title and Summary


Res No 15-01 Authorizing Account Signatures-Security Bank
Res No 15-02 Authorizing Account Signatures-Klein Bank
Res No 15-03 Authorizing Accounts Signatures-Citizens State
Res No 15-04 Approving Publication of Ordinance No. 161-J
Res No 15-05 Acknowledging The Donation From CFDRA
Res No 15-06 Approving 2015 Wage Increase
Res No 15-07 Approving Support For Application To Include Cty Rd 140 In Capital Bonding Bill 2015
Res No 15-08 Approving Support For House Bill #80
Res No 15-09 Authorizing Account Signatures-Security Bank
Res No 15-10 Authorizing Account Signatures-Klein Bank
Res No 15-11 Authorizing Account Signatures-Citizens State
Res No 15-12 Approving Full Times Public Works Employee
Res No 15-13 Fire Department Advisory Board Modification
Res No 15-14 Adopting Carver County All Hazard Mitigation Plan Amendment
Res No 15-15 Approving 2015 Seasonal Work Force
Res No 15-16 Participate in the Minnesota Greenstep Cities Program
Res No 15-17 Approving the 2016 Preliminary Tax Levy and General Fund Budget
Res No 15-18 Approving the 2015 Open Gym Supervisor
Res No 15-19 Adopting 2015 Utility Assessments
Res No 15-20 Approving 2016 Security Personnel for CCC
Res No 15-21 Adopting 2016 Enterprise Fund Budgets
Res No 15-22 Adopting 2016 General Fund Budget
Res No 15-23 Adopting Final 2016 Tax Levy Collectible in 2016
Res No 15-24 Approving Publication of Ordinance No 161-K by Title and Summary


Res. No. 14-01 Approving Premises Permit Renewal- 610 Lake St
Res. No. 14-02 Approving Premises Permit Renewal- 114 Paul Ave S
Res No 14-03 Approving Premises Permit Renewal- 505 Lake St W
Res No 14-04 Approving Disposal of Surplus Property

Res. No. 14-05 Approve Employee Hourly Wage
Res. No. 14-06 Approving Part Time Utility Billing Clerk
Res. No. 14-07 Approve Security Personnel
Res. No. 14-08 Approving 2014 Seasonal Work Force
Res No 14-09 Maintain Sign Retroreflectivity Stds
Res No 14-10 Resolution Accepting Donations

Res. No. 14-11 Review Water Rates
Res No 14-12 Resolution Appointing Election Judges
Res No 14-13 Issuance of Charter School Revenue Bonds
Res No 14-14 Accepting PFA to purchase General obligation water revenue note-signed
Res No 14-15 Preliminary Tax Levy General Fund Budget
Res. No. 14-16 Seasonal Work Force
Res No 14-17 Drainage Utility Easements
Res No 14-18 Final Plat of Public_Institutional Lots
Res. No 14-19 Extract of Minutes Sept 15th
Res No 14-20 Utility Assessments
Res No 14-21 Tax Levy Collectible
Res No 14-22 General Fund Budget
Res No 14-23 Enterprise Fund Budgets
Res No 14-24 Authorizing Signatures for the Kleinbank Account


Res. No. 13_01 Account Signatures
Res. No. 13_02 Authorize Acct Signatures – KleinBank
Res. No. 13_03 Authorize Acct Signatures – Citizens Bank
Res. No. 13_04 JPA State of MN and City of Cologne
Res. No. 13_05 Approve Final Plat – 10 Res_4 Outlot
Res. No. 13_06 Hourly Wage Adjustment – Good, Brenda
Res. No. 13_07 2013 Seasonal Work force
Res. No. 13_08 Vacating Portion of Conrad Avenue
Res. No. 13_10 Authorizing Sec. Bank Waconia
Res. No. 13_11 Authorize Signatures – Klein Bank
Res. No. 13_12 Approve 2013 seasonal workforce
Res. No. 13_13 Approving Final Plat- Res. Single Family Lots
Res. No. 13_14 Vacating Conrad St
Res. No. 13_15 Approving Prelim Tax Levy_Gen Fund Budget
Res. No. 13_16 Approve 2013 CC Public Health_Environ. Solid Waste Agreement
Res. No. 13_17 City of Cologne, Carver County Merchant Agreement
Res. No. 13_18 Support Funding for Hwy 212
Res. No. 13_19 Resolution of Application
Res. No. 13_20  Adopting 2013 Utility Assessments
Res. No. 13_21 Amending Cable Communications Francise Ordinance
Res. No. 13_22 Approving Purchase of Assets from TTH and Sale to Broadband
Res. No. 13_24 Adopting Final 2013 Tax Levy Collectible in 2014
Res. No. 13_25 Adopting 2014 General Fund Budget
Res. No. 13_26 Adopting 2014 Enterprise Fund Budgets
Res. No. 13_27 Approving Subdivision Lakeside Addition
Res. No. 13_28 Donations from Cologne Veterans and MVEC
Res. No. 13_29 Approving Ordinance No. 161-I


Res.  No. 12_01 Enterprise Budgets
Res. No. 12_02 Adopt 2011 Fund Transfers
Res. No. 12_04 Benton Lake Pier Project
Res. No. 12_05 Polling Station
Res. No. 12_06 Accept County Hazard Plan
Res. No. 12_07 Authorize iSP Fund Transfers
Res. No. 12_08 Adopt 2009 Surface Water Mgmt Plan
Res. No. 12_08A Adopt Drug Testing Policy
Res. No. 12_09 Preliminary Tax Levy
Res. No. 12_11 Final Plat of 4 Residential
Res. No. 12_12 Approve Expansion Cologne Academy
Res. No. 12_13 Authorize Check Acct Signatures – Klein Bank
Res. No. 12_14 Authorize Check Acct Signatures – Security
Res. No. 12_15 Signatures for Citizens State Bank Authorizations
Res. No. 12_16 Appoint Election Judges
Res. No. 12_17 Approve Final Plat 4 SF Lots – HHH
Res. No. 12_20 Hourly Wage Adjustments
Res. No. 12_21 Approv Pub of Ord. No. 161-H
Res. No. 12_22 Adopt Final 2012 Tax Levy
Res. No. 12_23 Adopt 2013 General Fund Budget
Res. No. 12_24 Adopt 2013 Enterprise Budget